Why write a book like ‘Voluspa – A Magical World’? Like countless other teenage girls, I had a difficult time during my pre-teen and early teen years. I had major body issues and even suffered with eating disorders. During these years, I often fantasized about escaping to an alternate universe where I could start life afresh or find acceptance. My imagination was further fuelled by the countless number of books I devoured growing up, especially since they were my only constant companions. Thus when the time came to put words down to paper, I found myself creating a fantasy world – a place so magical that it had the power to heal even the most troubled souls.
Talking about troubled souls, the main two protagonists of my story, Amy and Drake, definitely fit the bill. Amy has a hard childhood, feeling unwanted and unloved whereas Drake’s childhood is shadowed by impossibly high expectations imposed on him by his father. The two meet when Amy crosses over realms to land up in Voluspa and they connect from the very beginning. They find a kindred spirit in each other and like two halves of a whole, they complete each other. But their relationship is taboo as per the law in Voluspa. One of the questions that this book subtly puts forward is whether individual freedom is sacrosanct or should it take a backseat when it comes to greater good of the land and people. This story also puts a new spin on the age old battle between good and evil. Circumstances force both Amy and Drake to do certain things which one could consider a touch shy of evil. But at no time does their love for each other diminish and whatever they do is born out of a need to protect or help the other.
One could say that this is a story of two star crossed lovers set against a magical backdrop of an enchanted land. However, the world of Voluspa in not a Utopic one; like most known civilizations it has its own problems. Despotic leaders, wars, arbitrate laws; all weave themselves to create a rich tapestry of life that forms the backdrop of this story. The story borrows from mythology to give it an authentic tone. It is multi layered and I believe would appeal to a broad spectrum of age.
At present I am working on the next book in the Voluspa series. This book finds a changed Drake. His ordeals with Lord Vali has changed him permanently and no matter how much he wishes, there is no going back for him. He is now faced with the challenge of carving out a new life for himself away from Voluspa, away from Amy. But Amy is not one to accept loosing Drake so easily; she is determined to save Drake no matter what the cost. Now that the secret of her birth is out, she also has to contend with the wrath of the council members. In the meantime Lord Vali continues with his quest to resurrect his demonic leader using Drake and the book. To find out what happens to Amy and Drake and their forbidden love wait for the next book in Voluspa – A Magical World.
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