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Friday, July 6, 2012

Infamous (Chronicles of Nick #3)

Title: Infamous 
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon
Published by: St. Martin's Griffin
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Romance 

BlurbThe world has fallen in love with Nick Gautier and the Dark-Hunters. Now Nick’s saga continues in the next eagerly anticipated volume...

Go to school. Get good grades. Stay out of trouble. That’s the mandate for most kids. But Nick Gautier isn’t the average teenager. He’s a boy with a destiny not even he fully understands. And his first mandate is to stay alive while everyone, even his own father, tries to kill him.

He’s learned to annihilate zombies and raise the dead, divination and clairvoyance, so why is learning to drive such a difficulty? But that isn’t the primary skill he has to master. Survival is.

And in order to survive, his next lesson makes all the others pale in comparison. He is on the brink of becoming either the greatest hero mankind has ever known.

Or he’ll be the one who ends the world. With enemies new and old gathering forces, he will have to call on every part of himself to fight or he’ll lose everyone he cares about.

Even himself.

My Review:

For those of you who do not know what this series is here is a link to the first book: read the second book Invincible almost a year ago and almost forgot about this series {I know shame on me...} but luckily it was brought to my attention, so here I am reviewing this book after I spent only a day reading it.

Let me start with Nick, this review may turn into a gush fest for Nick but I can't help it! He is so...perfect! He is smart, sweet, protective, and a bit {O.K. maybe a lot} of a smart ass but that just makes him even more charming! You see him fighting his inner demon trying to overcome the obstacles even though he knows that his future is a grim, lonely one this makes him really strong and optimistic. He is always there for his friends and always keeps his word. Sadly however for him his love is a weakness because his enemies will attack his love ones to hurt him. So the safest bet for him and his love ones if he closed his heart and didn't love them anymore. But no my Nick {yes mine ALL MINE!} wouldn't give up his human side cause he knows it’s a miracle for his to love in the first place. I’m officially jealous of Kody!

Speaking of Kody I didn't really like her {and not just cause she is dating my man...} she is just so bland to me. I like that she helps Nick conquer his dark side but I feel like that's all she is good for. She feels more like a supporting character than the female lead. I really hope Kenyon works on that.

Another thing Kenyon needs to work on is the story plot is just SO DAMN CONFUSING!! I have read the Dark Hunter series {yes all of them *Bush*...} so I think she is adding way too many elements into these series that it gets really confusing. Also I very curious to see how she will tie this series to the Dark Hunter one because already a bunch of things have changed.

Rating; 5 Roses

1 comment:

  1. Love the cover of this novel and looks like a great book to read!
    Alex @ Possession of Books
